Interviewing in a Remote Environment: Unveiling the Latest Trends & Best Practices

In today's rapidly changing professional landscape, the art of interviewing has undergone a remarkable transformation, driven in no small part by the rise of remote work. As businesses adapt to new modes of operation, the interview process has also had to evolve to meet these challenges head-on. Join us as we delve into the dynamic world of virtual interviews with Edisa Rodriguez, Head of Growth & DEI at Pillar

Here’s what you can learn during the session: 

  • How remote work has reshaped the interview process
  • The trends that are shaping the way we connect with potential candidates
  • Best practices tailored to the virtual realm of interviewing - from crafting the right questions to mitigating bias within the interview itself


…and more. Looking forward to seeing you on September 20th as we unlock the strategies that will drive success in the ever-evolving landscape of remote interviewing. 

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