The Journey Ahead: Collaborative Visions for TALK

This is part of the TALK Roundtable series, where you can discuss hot topics with your fellow TALK members. Come prepared with your thoughts and questions for the group. Everyone is encouraged to speak their mind during this open discussion.


This session is an opportunity to meet TALK's new CEO, Bill Fanning, and hear his vision for TALK, reason for joining and engage in a discussion about how we can make TALK an amazing community for connecting, learning, and having fun as we continue to advance Talent Acquisition.   To help make this meeting as valuable as possible, please review some of the questions we hope to cover during this session to help Bill gain perspective on where to focus.

Meeting questions:

  • Understanding Current Value:

    • What aspects of TALK currently provide the most value to you and your work? Why?

  • Identifying Gaps:

    • What are the biggest challenges you face in TA that you feel are not adequately addressed by current resources or communities, including TALK

  • Future Directions:

    • Looking ahead, what emerging trends in TA should we prioritize within our community's discussions and resources?

  • Enhancing Engagement:

    • What types of content, discussions, or features would encourage more active participation and engagement from you and your peers on TALK?

  • Learning and Development:

    • How can TALK better support your continuous learning and development needs in the ever-evolving field of TA

  • Networking and Collaboration:

    • What features or initiatives could enhance networking and collaboration opportunities among members on our platform?

  • Feedback Mechanisms:

    • How can we improve our feedback mechanisms to ensure that your voice and needs are continuously heard and addressed by the TALK?

  • Membership Growth:

    • What strategies would you recommend for attracting new members to TALK, and how can we ensure they find immediate value in our community?

  • Personal Goals:

    • What are your personal goals for the next year in your professional journey, and how can TALK assist in achieving them?

This event has ended.
Hope to see you next time!
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