Recruiter Enablement Saves 64 Minutes Per Day, Per Person

This is part of the TALK Roundtable series, where you can discuss hot topics with your fellow TALK members. Come prepared with your thoughts and questions for the group. Everyone is encouraged to speak their mind during this open discussion.

Event speaker Adam Gordon spent hundreds of hours researching the subject of recruiter enablement in 2023. He found that a properly enabled recruiter completes their daily tasks 64 minutes faster than those who have not been properly enabled.

Recruiter enablement is a new but fast-growing discipline within talent acquisition, as so many teams have had to adapt to doing more with less. Only ~100 organizations globally have appointed people dedicated to recruiter enablement, but many have now initiated targeted programs in this area.

Recruiter enablement takes many forms but typically includes:

  • Recruitment Marketing – guidelines, templates, wording, images, scripts and more
  • Recruitment Operations – processes, policies, templates and more
  • Recruiter Learning – ‘how to’ use the tools and processes as well as performance improvement
  • Tools – tech tools as well as talent intelligence, sourcing tools, and more


Learn how event sponsor Poetry has been built to provide recruiters with access to all the assets and knowledge they need to complete their tasks in record time, creating a culture of collaboration within TA teams and inspired with generative AI.

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Hope to see you next time!
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